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The Leeds IFA promotes architecture within and beyond the University of Leeds, as a multidisciplinary initiative in learning and research.

In the beginning, architects, engineers and project managers were the same people. Specialisation since then has meant that understanding of the whole construction process has become separated into a range of roles and professions, each with their own agendas and areas of knowledge. The study of architecture has at the same time diversified into a wide range of associated fields from fine art to urbanism and social science. Our aim is to break down barriers, promoting mutual understanding through collaborative learning and research, and to build the capacity of professions through enhanced graduate achievement.

Architecture is a uniquely integrative and cross-disciplinary profession, affecting almost every aspect of daily life. Architectural research and education have been supported by the University of Leeds since the 1970’s when it was the first in the UK to offer a qualification in Architectural Engineering. A wealth of other architecturally relevant work is going on in other parts of the University, much of which involves collaboration across Faculties.

The University of Leeds Institute for Architecture operates to significantly increase architectural activity: by building on existing architectural education and research to impact practice; but also, to create new and unforeseen connections and opportunities for collaboration between work already happening within the University: highlighting existing collaborative and aligned work and making the breadth of achievement visible to all.

There are already direct links for teaching and research between architecture and fine art, business, geography, transportation, social science…more words to expand on architecturally aligned topics

Direct linkages within the University include:

Our vision is that the University of Leeds Institute for Architecture develops and promotes a hub of multidisciplinary research, scholarship and teaching in the field of Architecture, which will instigate innovations at the interface with other fields. It builds on existing strengths to develop and grow the range and quality of architectural activity in the University of Leeds, allowing the quality of what the University already achieves to be made visible and to grow.

Mission statement

The Institute aims to:

  • To raise the University’s international profile in architectural research and education
  • To grow architectural research activity and impact at the University of Leeds through national and international collaborations
  • To develop programmes of learning which provide routes to Architecture qualification in the U.K (ARB and RIBA) and internationally, developing research-led postgraduate taught and doctoral Architecture programmes to expand on on-going architectural research strengths within the School and build on its architectural and engineering expertise.
  • To promote a research environment that fosters innovative ideas between architectural design and practice, technology and materials, urbanism and sustainable environments, and supports PGR researchers at all career stages.
  • To facilitate wider engagement and collaboration by establishing virtual Institute membership and linking with other research and teaching groups.
  • To promote and extend a learning environment which fosters collaboration and innovation through pedagogical ethos and physical resources.
  • To foster strategic alliances with academic and non-academic bodies, such as industry, architectural bodies, governmental bodies, stakeholders and policy makers.]

Architectural education at the University of Leeds has always had a uniquely innovative cross-disciplinary approach, combining engineering and architectural elements as an integrated course with the aim of positive impacts on future construction industry professionals.

Unique accreditation, world first triple award, innovative flexible learning environment shared across disciplines to promote integrated learning (to add to)

Future integrated Master in architecture and engineering (to add to)

Links with professional bodies, ARB RIBA WYSA SCOSA list of collaborating practices (to add to)